Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Technologies to be used on portfolio website

List of technologies
  1. XHTML 1.0 Strict
  2. CSS1 and widely implemented features of CSS2
  3. PHP 5
  4. MySQL 5
  5. POP 3

XHTML 1.0 Strict
Back to top
XHTML will be used to mark up the content, set out my page structure, and declare links to external files e.g. CSS.

CSS1 and widely implemented features of CSS2
Back to top
CSS will be used to style my website's content, and to give my web pages their layout.

Back to top
PHP will be used to provide the dynamic features of my portfolio, such as showing articles from my database and providing the basis of my Content Management System. PHP will also be used for my contact form.

Back to top
MySQL will be the technology used to power my database, which will store all the information I upload to my site via PHP. This data will be accessed and displayed throughout my website with PHP.

Back to top
I will be using a POP 3 eMail account to allow people to contact me through the website's contact form, and by the eMail address that I will publish on the website.


DREW said...

I like the way you have laid out your piece, it makes it very clear and concise. I notice you added the back to top links, what was the reason? Did you just do it or do you think its good practice? (just because the post isn't that long)

Craig Burgess said...

Hi Drew, I think I stuck them in because I thought it was going to be longer than it was, but it turned out to be pretty short.

I don't think it's going to hurt to leave them there, especially if someone is using a very big font size.

Julian Dyer said...

Are you sure making your own CMS system is the way to go (if that is what I understand from your post)?

If it proves more difficult than you anticipate, it might harm how the final site looks. Have you though of a contingency plan for it it does not go to plan?

Craig Burgess said...

I've thought whether making my own CMS would be the best solution, and seeing as though I'm learning the skills in the self managed learning plan it would be silly to go back to using something else. It will be more practice for me and it will set me in good stead.

I don't really see the point in spending so much time learning how to build a content management system then not bothering to build one on my final assignment.