Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Target Audience Profiles - Portfolio Website

Primary Audiences
Typical user is a male/female between 30 – 50 years old. Educated to degree level, and likely to be an intermediate to expert computer user with high speed internet connections at work and at home. Possible areas of specialisation in education are the creative industries, specifically web-based. Goes online 6-7 times a week to conduct research, purchase products and read articles, using 6.0 browsers and above. Probable browser usage is Mozilla Firefox 2 or Safari 2; likely to be savvy with both PCs and Macs.

Representatives from small design agencies (1-10 employees)
Typical user is a male between 25 – 50 years old. Educated to college or degree level; expert computer user, with high speed internet connections at work and at home. Area of specialisation is interactive media. Goes online multiple times a day to test websites in development, research and read articles, using a range of browsers from 5.0 upwards. Main browser usage is Mozilla Firefox 2. Likely to work on the Mac platform.

Secondary Audiences
Typical user is a male/female between 18 – 25 years old. In education, and likely to educated to college level. Intermediate to expert computer user with high speed internet connection at home and at college / educational institution. Likely areas of study are interactive media / creative subjects, with specialism in web-based technologies. Goes online 5-7 times a week to perform research, read articles using 6.0 browsers and above. Probable browser usage is Firefox 2, and likely to work on a Windows platform.


Chris Towell said...

A good set of Target Audiences, but would you not consider adding small business that are looking for a local website designer? This could be advantageous for someone like me who lives in the sticks!, but obviously you'll have at least 8 other competitors.

You have to consider that people will also be looking for your services as well.

Another would be your competitors who will be trying to compete to get the trade so your portfolio will have to be stunning (as I can guess it will be...), but this is another Target Audience you will need to consider.

Apart from that a good set of Target Audiences.

Craig Burgess said...

I wouldn't consider adding small businesses no, because this isn't the target audience I would like to appeal to. I don't want to work for a company as an in-house designer again, so I am not considering this as my target audience.

As for clients, I've seen this on a few other people's journals but I highly doubt there will be any clients there at our final presentations. While it would be nice to think that, I don't think it will be the case, so I have decided to leave that out too.

DREW said...

I don't think there is a problem with your target audiences. Your point that there won't be any small businesses at our final presentation is mute because we are not just designing this portfolio for the course submission it is also for life after college. I have included a small business for this reason, personally I have no intention to work freelance, I want to work within a company but I have included this because if a small business approached me I wouldn't turn work down.

Chris Towell said...

@Craig - Sorry I meant as freelance work. I wouldn't really want to work as an in house designer but if it was a first rung situation I would probably be okay with it.

Julian Dyer said...

Are students really a legitimate target audience? What is is you are trying to target them for? I can't personally see what you can gain from them looking from your portfolio. They do not generate any employment or business opportunities, and will not realistically contribute at all.

I understand that other students are competition, but what is the aim of targeting them?

Richard said...

I agree with Julian, I think aiming your portfolio at students will be very hard to personally benefit from.

As you say in your comments back to Chris "As for clients, I've seen this on a few other people's journals but I highly doubt there will be any clients there at our final presentations." Our presentation is on the last day of the course and I’m sure you will have the future firmly in your mind at that stage. I know I will be trying to get as much real work/experience as possible at this time. So I think it would be an advantage for clients to see and maybe contact me because of my portfolio.

Craig Burgess said...

The purpose of having students as my target audience is that they will undoubtedly be at the presentation. I've added them because they will either be an audience at the final presentation, or they will be seeing it after I have left the course possibly through my journal or the HND site.

I've put them as a secondary audience as they aren't my primary target market, but I will keep them in mind during the design process.

Marc Pugh said...

I was also going to think about students, but seen as though I had 4 target audiences already I decided not to go with it.

I wish I would have gone with students now rather than the unnecessary external visitor. I believe my site would have a better feel to it if it was targeted at students like us.

Scott Dunwoodie said...

I agree with your comments regarding potential clients being at the "final presentation" but are you ruling them out completly when designing your Portfolio?

I think we need to remember we have a world wide audience too!