Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Presentation Evaluation

An impressive portfolio can be more important than any degree, and would need to include more commercial work than creative.

Ring up before you send your CV, and follow up with a phone call. Key points must go in the CV, including experience.

Enthusiasm is important. Good social skills are a must to fit in. If you wish to stay in a company for any period of time it’s a necessity to get on with everybody.

Final thought; writing concise prose is extremely useful, and I’m going to take this approach in future journal posts.


DREW said...

Yeah I've had talks with people from industry in the past on my Illustration course and I think it tends to be the general consensus of people who work in the industry.

I guess a way to look at it is that a good set of grades gets you through to interview door but once there you need a strong portfolio.

Julian Dyer said...

I agree that enthusiasm is important, even though I’m finding it hard to muster it myself at the moment. Good social skills are also essential, as you will have to rely on people you work with, and getting on with them certainly greases the wheels.

Do you think your last sentence is really relevant? Burning up some of your words for something off topic seems a bit of a waste to me.

Chris Towell said...

I disagree I think that the final thought is helpful for when you write your future entries as a reminder, but don't forget you have to stick to this now its on black and white. Is it necessary to ring 'before' you send the CV?

Enthusiasm is a big point in my opinion. Do you think you get more enthusiastic after every piece of work you do?

Suzanne Hullah said...

I have to say that I was really impressed by the work that you presented today.

thanks for having the chat with my group, hopefully it will help us along the way!

John Browne said...

Can i just say that your website today was outstanding, and the drop down image is infact the 1st i have ever come across. I am more of a designer than a coder. Is it possible to actualy create the drop down image effect with out the use and good knowledge of coding????

Richard said...

I have enjoyed writing these small proses too. It makes the blogs (especially mine) a lot more readable. The commercial work in the portfolio was a key part for me too, it sounds so obvious now but I would probably want to have impressed the interviewer will all my best work that didn�t suit their company before this lecture.

Craig Burgess said...

Drew: My thoughts exactly. I've always said that good grades mean nothing if you haven't got the skills to back it up.

Julian: I do think my last sentence is relevant, yes. That's what I had learned from this excerise, and I hope to carry it on in future posts.

Chris: I wouldn't say I get more enthusiastic after each piece of work, no. I've always had it ever since I started the course. I do become less frustrated after each assignment though, because it used to frustrate me that I couldn't design as well as I could in my head.

Suzanne: Cheers. And no problem about the chat, anytime. Just pop me an email.

John: Thanks. It's possible to create a very similar effect with flash, and you could probably find a template to do that on the internet in a lot of places. There's also lots of websites just giving general CSS advice too, and I think you'll find when you understand CSS a bit more you'll see what I did wasn't that amazing.

Richard: Yeah, it's certainly made everything a lot more readable. I think we should all take the same attitude to future blog posts. Maybe not just 100 words, but definitely a restrained approach.

Chris Towell said...

But surely you must get more enthusiastic after designing something outstanding. Being able to think wow thats better than xxx drives me to be a better designer so I guess that makes me more enthusiastic.

And more often than not yours is...

Craig Burgess said...

Yeah, there's definitely a buzz after coming up with something great, or finally cracking that project that you couldn't think of an idea of.

So in that sense, I guess I do become more enthusiastic after each assignment.

Gary Benn said...

Sorry I couldn't stop to see all your work. Would have been very useful! However I had to go to work at 3.