Job Function: Junior Web/Interactive designer
Discipline: Digital/Web, Graphics
Position Type: Full Time
Employer type: Consultancy
Salary: £20- 24k
Source: Design Week
Why do you want this job?
To take my design career a step further, to expand my horizons and to meet new people in a new place. Your work ethos of working smart appeals strongly to me, and it is something I abide by in all aspects of work. Working as part of such a highly skilled smart-thinking design team is my dream come true.
What’s your greatest strength?
Possessing a wide knowledge and passion of both the development and designing side of the web. I don't think it's possible to be a truely great designer without having at least some understanding of how things are built after the design is complete. I regularly design and build (XHTML, CSS) websites and thoroughly enjoy both stages of the process.
What’s your greatest weakness?
Wanting to learn too much all at once. Because I'm so enthusiastic about the industry in general I tend to be very inquistive about all aspects of the process from initial project discovery right through to completion. My inquistive nature has lead me to have a working knowledge of technologies such as PHP and MySQL and project management techniques.
What do you see yourself doing 5 years from now?
I'd like to be in a senior postion at your agency, and as my skills improve I could see myself getting involved in project management. Management is an area that is of great interet to me as well as design, and I believe I have the right qualities to be involved in management. I also believe I have the drive, determination and loyalty to successfully achieve my goals.
What current Interactive Media innovation excites you most?
The possibility of web applications. There’s already some great ones out there such as Google documents and Google Mail, but I’m most excited by seeing where these go next. I’m practically salivating at the mouth by the future of an online Photoshop.
Who is your hero/heroine?
Without a doubt,
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