I got there in the end. It's taken the best part of an afternoon to get there, but it's nice to know now that I've got my site 100% valid according to the W3C Validator Service. It was one of my goals, so it was one of those things that I absolutely have to meet. Plus I wanted to push myself a bit. Seeing as though I already know how to make a website and write CSS and all that, I wanted to make my website valid XHTML 1.0 Strict. It started off well at the beginning of the assignment, but it's been a while since I've last checked it. In future I'm going to try and keep checking my code regularly, otherwise afternoons like this are going to be a regular occurrence. Saying that though, I've quite enjoyed myself. It's been relaxing in a weird way. Should it be? I don't know.
In other news today, it was presentations. First thing. I'm quite glad we went in first thing because it meant we got the rest of the day off to do other things, and I was glad to get it over with. Not that I was nervous, I was just desperate to find out if I was on the right lines with my presentation. Turns out I was, and I've started to make some of the changes to my presentation slides. Other than talking almost as fast as the speed of light (I had a lot to fit in), it went good.I've made the text a bit shorter because I felt I had too much on there and I was missing bits, and just added a couple of slides. Take a look if you'd like to.
And it's that time again. The end of the assignments. Apart from we've almost finished this year as well, which is a scary thought. It doesn't feel like two minutes ago that we were sat in that room throwing a ball about saying each other's names, and now we've got a couple of assignments under our belt and nearly the whole first year is gone. I can't believe how much I've learned, and it feels like it's all just clicked suddenly. I can't wait for the next assignment, and ultimately the next year.
Although I'm eager to find out what this "Administration Week" task is all about.
The admin week is definately something that is getting me thinking too.
Although I am hoping that Steve will try and make it a fun little task for us to do in groups (not quite the 'egg task' but something quite simple and fun to round the year off).
As for the presentations, I think everyones will have gone better than last time as we had more time to prepare and practice rather than just being thrown in at the deep end. Plus we had the feedback of 'what we did wrong' in the last presentation to help us with.
Good to hear you were on the right lines. I'm pretty much the same, just an extra slide to throw in and I think I should be done.
I also wonder what he has planned for us on admin week. I am also wondering what our final task will be for Thursday afternoon. I hope it goes well.
I feel that my presentation went better than my first one. I only managed one rehersal though on that day. I had made sure to practice before the meeting as it helped me be less nervous and more fluent whilst speaking. I do regret that I didn't have enough technical information as I would of liked although I know what changes need to be made
I thought your goal was to make your pages HTML 4 valid?
I've missed the number off on my goals...
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